If You Hate To Practice Singing Scales Try This Instead: Turning Your Favorite Melodies Into Scales

A singer practices singing her vocal warm ups using a phone, headphones, and a microphone

Are you tired of the same old routine when it comes to vocal practice? Scales are undeniably essential for honing your vocal technique, but they can often feel dull and uninspiring. What if there was a way to make your practice sessions more enjoyable and effective? The answer lies in turning your favorite melodies into scales.

Unleashing the Power of Musical Passion

For many singers, scales may seem like a necessary evil—crucial for skill development but lacking the excitement that comes with singing your favorite songs. However, the solution is simpler than you might think. Instead of drudging through generic scales, why not use the melodies of your favorite songs as a foundation for your vocal exercises?

Imagine transforming Taylor Swift's captivating "Anti-hero" into a personalized scale. By incorporating melodies you love, you can infuse your practice routine with enjoyment, making it easier to stay committed to your vocal training.

Making Practice Specific and Enjoyable

The brilliance behind this technique lies in its simplicity. Rather than mechanically practicing scales, you're engaging with a melody that resonates with you. This not only makes your practice sessions more enjoyable but also allows you to be more specific in your training.

As you practice a scale inspired by a particular melody, you're essentially fine-tuning your ability to sing that specific song. This targeted approach can be especially beneficial for those aiming to master a particular piece and enhance their overall singing prowess.

Developing Your Musical Ear

Beyond improving vocal technique, this technique nurtures your ear for music. Training with a scale based on a melody helps you recognize and replicate diverse musical patterns. This skill becomes invaluable when learning new songs or refining your pitch accuracy.

For those unsure of how to begin, here's a quick guide:

  1. Choose a melody you love.

  2. Sing the melody to familiarize yourself with it.

  3. Identify the individual notes in the melody.

  4. Construct a scale based on those notes.

  5. Experiment with different vocal techniques (e.g., lip trills, vowel sounds, etc.) while practicing the scale.

Remember, the primary goal is to elevate both the enjoyment and effectiveness of your practice sessions. Perfection isn't the focus here; instead, revel in the process of enhancing your vocal skills.

I Use This Handy Trick All The Time

As a voice coach, I recommend this technique to students struggling with mundane practice sessions all the time. It's a delightful and effective approach to refine your vocal abilities while reveling in the joy of music. The next time you feel uninspired during practice, try turning your favorite melody into a scale—you might be surprised at the transformation in both enjoyment and effectiveness.

Don't let monotony dampen your passion for singing. Embrace the artistry in your favorite melodies and turn them into scales that not only enhance your vocal technique but also make your practice sessions a harmonious journey of improvement.


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